Deskripsi Produk
1. Luwih saka 12 taun pengalaman kanggo Hydraulic Press lan 16 taun kanggo sheet metal machinery
2. Total Jumlah Karyawan: 455
3. Jumlah Staff R & D: 26
4. Lantai Wilayah: 56, 765m2
5. Wilayah pabrik anyar: 61, 321 m2
6. Pabrik kabèh dikontrol dening Rencana Sumberdaya ERP-Enterprise
We are producing below ranges of machines:
1. NC Press Brake
2. CNC Laser Cutter
3. CNC Punch Press
4. CNC Shears
5. Hydraulic Press
6. Pipa & Roller Bender
7. Besi Pekerja
8. Produksi otomatis baris
150 ton Tekan Brake 3200mm CNC 150 ton Hydraulic Press Brake with Bending 8mm
ACCURL CNC Press Brake Characteristics:
Brake ACCURL CNC Synchro Press nggunakake hydraulic state-of-the-art (Bosch-Rexroth or Hoerbiger) lan elektronik (Telemecanique, Merlin Gerin Legrand, Siemens) kanggo ngontrol akurat proses bending. The Press Brake Frame minangka konstruksi baja mono-block weld sing kuwat, tekanan ditemtokake sawise welding lan machined tanpa repositioning kanggo njamin presisi mesin, kabeh-ing-kabeh, njupuk deflection minimal sak operasi mlengkung. Pistons minangka pemalsuan baja, lemah presisi lan micropolished kanggo urip produksi dawa. Brake Synchronized Press yaiku pressbrake hidraulik kembar downstroking (Y1 - Y2 Axis) lan kalebu:
Konfigurasi mesin rem ACCURL CNC Press:
1. CE Konformitas kalebu AKAS Cahya pengawal
2. Sinkronisasi Beam liwat timbangan linier lan katup proporsional
3. Delem Angle Programming Control
4. Y1 + Y2 + X sumbu minangka standar, indeks otomatis sumbu nalika wiwitan
5. Uro (Sistem) Clamping Top lan Bottom Tool
6. Ndhuwur Tool Top Gooseneck lan Alat Bandhing 4-V-mati
7. Servo motor didhisikake maneh ing sekrup bola (= sumbu X)
8. Crowning Table / Top clamping dengan anti deflection wedges
9. Pejuang keamanan sisih lan mburi lan saklar safety switch
Peralatan opsional:
1. Kontrol sumbu tambahan kaya X1, X2, R1, R2, Z1 lan Z2
2. Delem 65, 66, 69 lan Cybelec 80, 1200, Modeva Series
3. Kesenjangan tenggorokan sing luwih gedhe, bukaan amba sing luwih dhuwur ...
4. Manual cepet utawa Hydraulic Top Tool clamping
5. Tambahan maneh ngukur sabuk tembaga universal
6. Sistem lubrication motorized tengah
Delem CNC Press Brake DA-56 Control:
1. Delem DA-56 yaiku sistem CNC grafis 2D kanthi postprocessing CNC.
2. Pemrograman grafis, komputasi urutan bend lan simulasi 2D nyedhiyakake CNC sing bisa diprogram lan cepet diprogram kanggo Press Brakes.
3. Pemrograman Delem DA-56 mung nggambar profil produk sampeyan ing layar. Simulasi saka urutan bend kasebut rampung karo alat penetepan bend sing gampang dianggo. Kanthi siji keystroke prasaja, program CNC wis dikalkulasake lan disimpen.
4. Panel Kontrol liontin nduweni papan sing bisa ditemokake ing sisih kiwa saka mesin ing jarak langsung saka operator
Model | Tekanan nominal KN | Tabel panjang mm | Jarak antarane uprights mm | Tenggorokan Tenggorokan mm | RAM Stroke mm | Dhuwur mbukak mm | Motor Utama kW | Ukuran mm | Bobot T |
MB8-40 / 2000 | 400 | 2000 | 1600 | 200 | 200 | 335 | 4 | 2545*1510*2050 | 3 |
MB8-40 / 2500 | 400 | 2500 | 2000 | 200 | 200 | 335 | 4 | 2950*1510*2080 | 3.5 |
MB8-63 / 2000 | 630 | 2000 | 1600 | 250 | 200 | 350 | 5.5 | 2555*1600*2130 | 3.8 |
MB8-63 / 2500 | 630 | 2500 | 2000 | 250 | 200 | 350 | 5.5 | 2960*1600*2180 | 4.2 |
MB8-63 / 3200 | 630 | 3200 | 2600 | 250 | 200 | 350 | 5.5 | 3740*1600*2260 | 5.2 |
MB8-100 / 2500 | 1000 | 2500 | 2000 | 350 | 200 | 400 | 7.5 | 2980*1650*2330 | 6.3 |
MB8-100 / 3200 | 1000 | 3200 | 2600 | 350 | 200 | 400 | 7.5 | 3740*1650*2355 | 7 |
MB8-100 / 4000 | 1000 | 4000 | 3200 | 350 | 200 | 400 | 7.5 | 4550*1650*2450 | 8.8 |
MB8-100 / 5000 | 1000 | 5000 | 4000 | 350 | 200 | 400 | 7.5 | 5100*1500*2650 | 11.8 |
MB8-125 / 2500 | 1250 | 2500 | 2000 | 350 | 200 | 410 | 7.5 | 3980*1650*2370 | 7.5 |
MB8-125 / 3200 | 1250 | 3200 | 2600 | 350 | 200 | 410 | 7.5 | 3750*1650*2450 | 8.2 |
MB8-125 / 4000 | 1250 | 4000 | 3200 | 350 | 200 | 410 | 7.5 | 4550*1650*2470 | 9 |
MB8-125 / 5000 | 1250 | 5000 | 4000 | 350 | 200 | 410 | 7.5 | 5100*1500*2795 | 11.5 |
MB8-125 / 6000 | 1250 | 6000 | 4500 | 350 | 200 | 410 | 7.5 | 6100*1500*2895 | 14 |
MB8-160 / 2500 | 1600 | 2500 | 2000 | 350 | 200 | 425 | 11 | 2980*1715*2410 | 8.5 |
MB8-160 / 3200 | 1600 | 3200 | 2550 | 350 | 200 | 425 | 11 | 3750*1715*2450 | 11 |
MB8-160 / 4000 | 1600 | 4000 | 3200 | 350 | 200 | 450 | 11 | 4550*1715*2730 | 12 |
MB8-160 / 5000 | 1600 | 5000 | 4000 | 350 | 200 | 450 | 11 | 5100*1570*2900 | 15.5 |
MB8-160 / 6000 | 1600 | 6000 | 4500 | 350 | 200 | 450 | 11 | 6100*1570*3010 | 19 |
MB8-200 / 3200 | 2000 | 3200 | 2600 | 350 | 240 | 460 | 11 | 3750*1815*2715 | 13 |
MB8-200 / 4000 | 2000 | 4000 | 3200 | 350 | 240 | 460 | 11 | 4550*1815*2850 | 14 |
MB8-200 / 5000 | 2000 | 5000 | 3800 | 350 | 240 | 460 | 11 | 5100*1715*3020 | 18.5 |
MB8-200 / 6000 | 2000 | 6000 | 4500 | 350 | 240 | 460 | 11 | 6100*1715*3120 | 21 |
MB8-250 / 3200 | 2500 | 3200 | 2600 | 400 | 240 | 525 | 11 | 3750*2010*2850 | 15.5 |
MB8-250 / 4000 | 2500 | 4000 | 3200 | 400 | 240 | 525 | 11 | 4550*2010*3010 | 17 |
MB8-250 / 5000 | 2500 | 5000 | 3800 | 400 | 240 | 525 | 11 | 5100*1890*3190 | 21.5 |
MB8-250 / 6000 | 2500 | 6000 | 4500 | 400 | 240 | 525 | 11 | 6100*1890*3350 | 28 |
MB8-30 / 3200 | 3000 | 3200 | 2600 | 400 | 250 | 545 | 15 | 3740*2100*3235 | 19.5 |
MB8-300 / 4000 | 3000 | 4000 | 3200 | 400 | 250 | 545 | 15 | 4340*2100*3300 | 22 |
MB8-300 / 5000 | 3000 | 5000 | 3800 | 400 | 250 | 545 | 15 | 5100*2100*3430 | 26 |
MB8-300 / 6000 | 3000 | 6000 | 4500 | 400 | 250 | 545 | 15 | 6100*2100*3490 | 2 |
Dhasar Info
Model NO .: MB8-100 / 4000
Motor Utama (Siemens): 7,5 Kw
Ukuran (L * W * H): 8390 * 3800 * 4600 Mm
Bobot: 156000 Kg
Tipe Mesin Pemotongan: Mesin Pemotongan Laser
Ketik Mesin Lipat-lentur: CNC Fold-bend Machine
Aplikasi: Mesin & Perangkat Keras
Tipe kanggo Mesin Bending Pipa lan Tabung: Brake Hydraulic Press
Trademark: ACCURL
Spesifikasi: CE & SGS
Asal: Anhui Maanshan
Kode HS: 846229900